Big Brother 101! Sign me up!
(January 13, 2009)
This is one of the most unique posts that I have made since I started this blog over a year ago, but we just found out (actually a few weeks ago) that Jacob is going to be a BIG BROTHER!!!! Two years ago if you would have asked me if I saw myself as a mother of two I would have said "I WISH!!!!" Paul and I struggled to have children for 6 years with multiple miscarriages and when we finally found out that I suffered from a few problems that kept us from successfully having children but that there was medicine that I could take to help we were excited that there was hope. The next pregnancy we had obviously was successful and to think that we could be adding another boy or girl in 7 months is very exciting!
Of course now I have a lot of questions flowing through my head, as a full time mommy to Jacob the first thing that I worry about is "Will he feel left out?" and "How will Jacob adjust to not being #1?". I am sure I am not the first person to have a second child and worry about those exact things so if any of you are out there reading this let me know!
I have created another blog for my "pregnancy updates" because frankly this is "BEING JAKE" not "BEING JAKE AND A BABY" I am using this blog as a baby book for Jacob. Not that the typical baby book with pages to write things down in aren't great, but how many of you keep a 100% detailed baby book, plus honestly this blog has been "A day in the life" not just a snippet. So I would like to keep this solely Jacobs blog and hope you all will head over to "Being All Of Us" to keep up to date on the pregnancy and other family updates. I will try very hard to still update this blog every week and will be updating the other blog probably every 2 weeks or so. Since I am considered high risk I get TONS of ultrasounds and will posting them and talking about this pregnancy as it progresses!
I hope to create a blog for the new baby after he or she is born so that they too can have a detailed blog printed out for their first year or more of their life as well.
Happy reading!!! Keep us in your prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy!
Alma Woodsey Thomas Art Project
3 years ago
i think it's such a cool idea to use the blogs as a baby book. most baby books i've seen have the birth announcements and such and then if the kid is lucky records of a few firsts and then they taper off to nothing. the 2nd is lucky if they keep the birth announcement. lol
jake will adjust, don't worry. just talk to him about being a big bro and let him help and hold and love on the baby and feel like he is a part of everything (which i'm sure you would be doing anyway).
i'm not saying he won't ever be jealous, but you what they say about kids, they are resilient. :)
Oh my goodness!!!! Congradulations!!! Im so happy for you Mrs. Corcoran!!! I wish your family the best of luck
@nonna - I know he will adjust but thanks for helping to settle my worries.
@brittany - Hey how are you! I didn't know you were still following the blog you need to email me and let me know how you are doing!
That is terrific news!! Congratulations to all of you. Jake will be a wonderful big brother.
@James - I think he will be great too!
I remember when you used to babysit my kids when they were little. How time flies! I love your blog and enjoy your writing so much! You really have a gift for the written word. Congratulations on your wonderful news!
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