Week 50 - There's no place like home!
(7/27/08 - 8/2/08)
This week started on a very good note, but ended up a very bad note that had me constantly repeating the words "There's No Place Like Home".
Before I was Jacob's mommy I was a High School teacher at a Technical High School where I had Juniors and Seniors and taught them Computer Repair, Computer Cisco Networking, and Web Design. I absolutely loved my job and can honestly say that I enjoyed work and would have done it for free (I of course wouldn't really, but I was definitely not at my job for the money because school teachers make nothing for the skills they know/teach).
Back in January I was approached by the IT director at the local Community College about teaching a week long web design class (Hence the photoshopped image of Jake) to 8th - 10th graders. Of course at the time I thought.......hhhhhmmmmm that will be 2 weeks before Jake turns one I can't IMAGINE why I wouldn't be able to leave him for 5 hours a day to teach this class.......
HUH!!!! FAMOUS LAST WORDS!!! I started this week very excited to get back into the classroom and to also be teaching webdesign (which is my favorite thing to teach). The week was all set with my mother-in-law watching Jake Monday and Tuesday, Jake's godmother watching him Wednesday and then Paul was taking two vacation days and watching Jake on Thursday and Friday. I went off on Monday with everything setup and ready to go, feeling very good that even though Jake was still breastfed that his new found straw drinking abilities and the fact that "if he was hungry enough he would drink out of a bottle" would ward off any bad things that could possibly happen while I was away for those short 5 hours a day.
When I got home the first day, I was met by my mother-in-law and told that other than cheerious, a few pears, and 2 ounces of milk he wouldn't eat for her at all. Not a big deal I thought, I immediately went in the other room and fed him and we didn't skip a beat the rest of the day. Let's fast forward to Wednesday.....the food has now dwindled to only a few cheerios, NO pears, and two tiny sips of milk.....I am now REALLY WORRIED! I have a baby now that is barely having two pee-pee diapers a day and because I am gone for 5 hours, my milk supply is starting to dwindle....
Now came Friday! Again, a few cheerios, one cube of a peach, and 1 ounce of milk.....HOLY CRAP WHAT HAVE I DONE!!! Needless to say by the end of the week, I wanted to be home with my son and never leave him again until he is weaned!! Then this morning, he woke up with a 102 degree fever and was projectile vomiting....which means what little liquids I had recouped in his tiny little tummy are now all over my shirt!!!! Yep you read that right...I was in the line of fire and got puked on!!! But we have his fever under control and he hasn't puked this this morning so hopefully we can get this horrible week behind us, and I can figure out a way to get my son to drink more than 1 ounce of milk/juice/water out of something OTHER than me!!
Alma Woodsey Thomas Art Project
3 years ago
Wow, I hope Jake feels better soon. Luke is feeling under the weather again as well (fevers ranging from 103 and below). Nothing fun about an August fever! Good luck with the eating too. Perhaps it was just a leadup to the illness.
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