First let me say that I apologize if the above picture grosses anyone out or offends them, but I got to thinking this week as I was constantly wiping the snot from my sons nose that I as a person and most parents I know change quite a bit when they have children.
Think long and hard back to before you were a parent and if faced with a similar situation above yet the child was replaced with an adult how many of us would think this was cute and run and go get the camera while they heard their child say BUBBLE BUBBLE BUBBLE? If the situation were poo or puke how come although still disgusting it doesn't make the usual parent's gag reflex go screaming. (I have however had a little too much of Jacob puking once).
I know that we as parents have to help these young people because at the beginning they can't move, grab, or have the overall coordination to help themselves. But I think it even goes past that. I have talked to parents of 10 and 12 year olds that still say that the "bodily fluids" of their children don't gross them out, but if their spouse, a stranger, or heck sometimes even themselves have boogies EEEEWWWWW GRRROOOSSSSS!!!!!
Anyway after the much too serious post last week I thought I would get back into the swing of things and let you know that Jacob was EXTREMELY proud of his snot bubble and actually smiled, pointed and tried to blow another one the rest of the day. The cold is gone now but I will always have the memory of the famous SNOT BUBBLE!!!
Alma Woodsey Thomas Art Project
3 years ago
Impressive! But a bit gross too.
@James - That was kinda the point *being gross* because I was trying to say that parents start becoming immune to things after they have kids. Although I do admit that it is pretty gross, but not as much as it would have been if it weren't my kid....hehehehehehehehehe some how when it's your kid it doesn't phase you as much!
i guess i'm just a weirdo because i find the snot bubble hilarious while puking not so much. i still gag from super sticky poopy diapers and ANYbody puking. lol
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