Cross your fingers and hope it works!
(March 13, 2009)
This is probably starting to sound like a broken record to some people who read this blog, but Paul and I are still having a MAJOR problem with Jacob eating. Quite frankly.....HE DOESN'T!!!!
He will eat fruit of all kinds, shapes, colors, and flavors. It could be fresh, dried, or in a can. He of course will still eat crackers of all kinds and at least I have been able to incorporate some "whole grain" versions into the mix. But what the real problem is would be EVERYTHING ELSE that doesn't fall into the fruit/cracker category.
There was a week where cereal was a big hit. I could get him to eat a bowl of cheerios, chex, rice krispies. But now that isn't even an option it ends up being the soggy mess that is half stuck to the bowl within a few hours and since it doesn't have a long shelf life once milk is added I have decided that it isn't very practical since some mornings it will take Jacob over an hour to take little bird nibbles and finish his breakfast. I have tried numorous things like not offering him milk until after he has eaten, that usually just ends in him not eating OR drinking for most of the morning. He was gung ho about waffles, mini pancakes, and french toast sticks but as with adults sometimes you can have too much of a good thing and those too are starting to be less and less appealing to my picky little toddler.
Let's not even talk about meat products. My son gets whatever protein I can shove into him, but if you really measured it, it wouldn't be much. He will eat hot dogs (YUK!) and any sort of processed chicken product (i.e. nuggets, popcorn chicken, and dino shaped chicken). He REFUSES to even try ham cubes, turkey cubes, hamburger, meatballs, and chicken breast.
My mom gave me a good idea about giving him different "dips" for things. I thought this was a great idea so I started offereing different kinds of salad dressings, honey, ketchup, etc..... I thought it was a success but Jacob just liked the act of dipping but then hated the actual eating part.
I did have what I hope was a breakthrough yesterday. My neices Therese and Caitlyn came to babysit and for some reason Jacob would eat the whole house for Therese (he has always done that) so I tried something new with him. I decided to make cheese pizza for Lent (no meat) and I had read that sometimes when you let a kid help make the food he will want to eat it.
Needless to say he ate half a slice with me, and ate another WHOLE slice with Therese and Caitlyn. This is a kid who wouldn't even try Ketchup, pasta sauce, cheese, or anything else for that matter other than what I listed above.....who knows it could be a fluke or we could be on to something. But I sure am awaiting the day where I can stop blogging about the horrible eating habits of my son and start talking about how he eats me out of house and home! Wish us luck!
Alma Woodsey Thomas Art Project
3 years ago
well, hopefully i'm not repeating MYself when i tell you my opinion on this. (i'm too lazy to go back to previous posts & see if i am repeating myself). don't worry about the eating thing. toddlers are notorious for not eating. g-kid would eat hardly nothing for days at a time and then eat like crazy for a day or two. i can't believe you got jake to eat cereal with milk at all at this age. my g-kid still leaves more than 1/2 of it to turn to a soggy mess. an example of his pickiness: he loves sausage, rice, cheese, and likes eggs ok. well, i make this dish with all of those ingredients. he used to LOVE it and eat 2 or 3 helpings. last 2 times i made it, it was like pulling teeth to just to get him to even eat 1/2 of it! very frustrating but you just have to pretend like you don't care if they ever eat anything.
oh, if you succeed at that, let me know how you did it. lol
one last thing, please don't ever force him to eat to the point of it being upsetting. i have major eating issues after basically being spanked and force fed when i was little.
sorry about being so long winded and if you want me to stop giving unsolicited advice/opinions just say so and i will immediately shut up and just leave funny, smart-alecky comments :)
@nonna - Absolutely! I would never force him, what I do on days that he doesn't eat is I have this powdered "pediasure" type stuff that I add to his nighttime bottle. It is jam packed with tons of vitamins (more than regular formula) and I at least feel he got something for the day. Trust me he isn't about to wither away so although it does concern me sometimes I am not at a point where I think it is health concerning. Thanks for the comments I appreciate them!
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