Merry Christmas! Choo Choo!
(December 26, 2008)
We had a great Christmas at the Corcoran house this year. Last year we had a 4 month old who couldn't sit up, couldn't stay awake more than 2 hours, and could have cared less about the tree, presents, Christmas music or Santa......My what a year can do!
Fast forward a year and you have a little boy who is walking/running around, fascinated with the ornaments on the tree (NO was said in my house a lot this year), LOVED LOVED LOVED ripping the paper off of the presents, danced to the Christmas music and well.....Santa.....let's not talk about Santa!
Jacob made out pretty good this year with presents, if you read my post from November titled One small step for man....and Choo-Choo Trains you know that Jacob loves trains, mostly Thomas trains, but he isn't that picky. So Santa focused most of his gifts around this typical boy obsession. The main gift was a new "train table" so that Jacob would have somewhere to set his train tracks up, then of course he got a few motorized Thomas and Friends trains, an awesome Thomas book, and of course what child isn't complete without his very own Thomas toothbrush, spoon/fork, and cup!
Jacob loves his new toys and his imagination has really bloomed since the new table has been set up....he loves loves loves playing on a child sized/height table and will use the new table for his trains, cars, and for coloring with crayons! Santa got this table at Target so it was very reasonably priced, cause they can be very expensive!!!
So until next year when we will have an almost 2 1/2 year old!! HOLY COW!!!
Alma Woodsey Thomas Art Project
3 years ago
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