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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dear Santa.....

Dear Santa,

I would like to apologize for my behavior today. I hope your temporary hearing loss has returned after my loud high pitched screams and of course I am very very sorry for almost kicking you. If you will allow me to explain I am sure we can come to an agreement and I hope that you will not forget about me Christmas night as you are making your rounds.

Since I am only 16 months old I am slowly learning about things around me, but still have a fear of strangers. I was not given enough time to figure out if you were friend or foe as my mother haphazardly dropped me off on your lap only to quickly cower behind the lady in the funny hat who was trying to get me to smile b
y shaking annoying bells in my face and asking me to "look over here".

I am sure you are a very nice man, I mean hey you bring children toys, but you should really rethink the wardrobe as the all over red, funny hat, and ALL THAT HA
IR tend to scare little people like me. I do come by my fear of you honestly as you will see in "exhibit A" my father once screamed and almost kicked you when he was a little older than me, I guess it runs in the family.....oops!

Exhibit A: Paul 2 years old 1968

In case you do end up forgiving me for our little encounter today I would like to ask you for the "Elmo Live" doll, it just cracks me up and I love how it gives me kisses when I see it in the store, and of course anything "Thomas the Tank Engine" would be awesome! You know how I love trains! I promise to be good for the rest of the year and not give my parents too much trouble. Until we meet again next year!

