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Monday, February 11, 2008

Week 25 1/2 - Just hanging out!

(February 10th, 2008)

Week 25 1/2 - Just hanging out!

I know I usually only post one thing a week, but Jacob was in such a good mood yesterday and was hanging out so good that I got a really cute picture of him and wanted to talk about why he was in a laundry basket!

The one problem I haven't been able to figure out how to fix yet is "What to do with Jake when I need to do something". I have a chair that he sits in OK in the morning while I am making breakfast or cleaning the kitchen, but it is kinda big and I guess I could haul it around everywhere with me but it is a pain. So the other week Paul and I were over at his parents house and I was talking to Jake's Aunt Renee. She made a comment that when her kids were younger the older ones would help out with the younger ones (she has 5 kids). She then mentioned that the older ones would push the younger ones around the house in the laundry basket and the babies would LOVE IT!

Well I knew I wouldn't be able to put Jake in a laundry basket because the one that Paul and I use is a large deep one, and putting Jake in there would be a disaster, kinda like baby jail!!!

So the other day I was up in the bathroom getting ready to head out for some grocery shopping trying to figure out how to do my hair and put on my makeup with Jake. I really didn't want to haul the chair upstairs so I just layed him on the floor with a toy and went about getting ready. Well that lasted about 2 seconds before he wanted NOTHING to do with laying on the floor. I thought back to the conversation I had with Renee and realized that I did have a laundry basket, I just don't use it for laundry I use it to hold all of my rolled up clean towels in the bathroom!

So with a little improvising, TADA!!! Instant seat for Jake, and all you have to do is look at him and say "Are you sittin in a basket?" (of course in a funny high pitched baby voice) and he absolutely cracks up!!!! HE LOVES IT!!!!!