OW! That hurt!!
(10/12/08 - 10/18/08)
It was bound to happen eventually, you plug all of the outlets so that your child doesn't get hurt. You put annoying drawer/door stops on all of the cabinets so that your child can't pull a pot down on their head, you rearrange and de-decorate your whole house and put up gates to quarantine off certain areas all in the hopes that you can keep your child from hurting themselves.
But the one thing you don't "baby proof" is yourself and of course what ends up hurting your child turns out to be something that YOU yourself accidentally do. This week Jake got his first official "Boo Boo" and it was all because of my lack of good judgment. We were taking a walk one day and I parked him on what I thought was a perfectly flat piece of real estate to go look at a tiny tykes wagon that my sister-in-law said that we could use for Jake when all of a sudden I hear a THUD and then WAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!
I of course rush right over and pick him (and the stroller up) and see that he has a scrape on his upper cheek! HOLY COW!! It scared the "you know what" out of me! Trust me the yard wasn't sloped hardly at all but I guess those three wheeled outdoor strollers aren't very stable especially when you have a 14 month old in it who is very nosy and is trying to turn and look at what his mother is doing! Regardless I feel/felt so bad after it happened! How could this happen on my watch?
Since this happend I have been told by many many many parents that this is only the start of the "boo boo's" and that you especially have to watch out for boys cause they tend to be more into daredevil tactics then their female counterparts. OH BOY! I can hardly wait!!
This incident reminded me of when I was little, I was in kindergarten, and my sister and I were playing on our old rusty metal swing set outside. We of course were playing by ourselves and my sister got the idea that she was going to do flips over the side bar of the swing set so she needed me to hold this HUGE metal two person swingy thing that was on the swing set. I was doing a pretty darn good job when my hands started getting slippery and I let go of the swing. Luckily it missed my sister but instead of moving away myself I just ducked and bent over just in time for one of the rusty screws to hit me in the head. This is one of the earliest memories I have, of course I remember it in a really cool way, cause lets face it what's more cool then going to school and showing off a head full of stitches to your teacher and school mates!!!! But the other thing that I clearly remember is that right after it happened there was a lot of blood and my mom of course trying her best to find where I was hurt and trying to clean me up. She handled the whole situation very well at home, once we got to the hospital all bets were off though and again I CLEARLY remember the nurses having to get her to sit down because she was light headed! Up until the other day this has always been a little inside joke with my mother and I! I used to joke with her about almost passing out because of course I have good memories of this accident I remember the blood but not the pain!
Well Mom! I am very sorry about joking with you about that because my heart was pounding a mile a minute when Jake got hurt and he only got a shiner for his accident. I can honestly say that if he would have had his head split open and blood all over the place they would probably have to make me sit to keep from passing out too! I could never imagine the fear that goes through you when you think your child is hurt, it is a crazy ride!!
Jake of course is fine and his first black eye is healing nicely and is hardly noticable! Hopefully I won't be writing anytime soon about his next "Boo Boo"!
Alma Woodsey Thomas Art Project
3 years ago
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