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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Week 42 - This is one HUGE bathtub!

Week 42 - This is one HUGE bathtub!

(6-1-08 - 6-7-08)

We have set off into a new realm of fun activity this week.........dum dum dum.....THE POOL!!!! Jake and I went with Paul on one of his trips to D.C. this week. It was a convention that required him to be gone from Monday to Wednesday, so since he was going to be so close (within 1 hour of home) we decided to make it into a family trip. Of course I packed like we were leaving for 3 weeks, even the doorman at the hotel had a smirk on his face. But hey, for a 9 1/2 month old you need a lot of things. You need the portable crib/playpen, toys, at least three diapers a day, clothes, PJ's, pool floatie, sunscreen, pool toys, food, bottles, and that is just what we needed for Jake!!!

There were a few downsides to this trip, especially considering that this was Jake's first trip from home where he didn't have his own bed and surroundings for more than a few hours. The first major problem that we came across was the sleeping arrangments the first night. The room had two queen beds in it. So we got Jake to sleep at his normal time, put him in the crib/playpen and then quietly watched TV and caught up on emails and such. Two hours into his usually 10 hour sleeping schedule he woke up. I rocked him back to sleep and put him back to bed, an hour later....WAAAHHHH......again I rocked him back to sleep and tried to go to sleep myself. After two more of these 1 1/2 hour sleeps, I just snapped!! I told paul to scoot over (I had been sleeping in the other queen since I was gettig up so much) I put the extra pillows all over the other bed and put the little 31 inch crankypot to sleep in a huge queen bed all by himself.........

***sun is rising, yaawwwwnnnnn*** WOW, did he just sleep the rest of the night without waking up?? Yes INDEED!!!! Needless to say the second night we put him to sleep in the bed from the beginning and he slept all night, only woke up once around 1:30am. I guess the mattress on the bed was more comfortable than the playpen even though we had bulked it up with about 3 blankets. Plus I guess it seemed weird for him to be about 5 inches off of the ground. I know I personally can't sleep on the ground/floor in a sleeping bag because the level of being so low screws me up!

Now onto the fun part of our trip! SWIMMING!!! I got this awesome floatie for Jake a few weeks ago because in addition to this trip his Aunt and Uncle have a pool that we can take Jake to this summer. This particular floatie not only has a place for his toys to stay where he can reach them but also has a canopy that you can attach so on those particulary hot days (like today and tomorrow are supposed to be 101 and 102) I can feel like he is more protected.

He didn't like it too much when we first got in. It was an indoor pool so the water was warm but with all pulbic/hotel pools you could smell the chlorine the second the elevator doors opened! Once he got used to the floatie and we started having some fun, he was kicking his legs and splashing around! We had a lot of fun!


James (SeattleDad) said...

We haven't done the hotel thing with Lukas yet. I hope it goes better than it did for you when we finally do.

The pool looks like a lot of fun. Lukas has not gone swimming yet either, but loves the water in his baths so should love the pool as well. Have fun and try to stay cool in the oppressive heat.