Extreme Hide-n-Seek
(September 26, 2009)
Now while most 2 year olds are learning their numbers, letters, colors, and other things my 2 year old is learning how to play EXTREME sports! There is a reason for this, a pretty obvious one....with Jacob being the 32nd grandchild in the family and there being A LOT of cousins that live within 500 yards of our house the playmates tend to be on the older side. The main cousins that play with Jacob are between 8-12 years old. So when they come over to play although they will play "2 year old games" with Jacob like puzzles (his new favorite game) and coloring, playdoh, cars, etc.... more often than not those seemingly innocent games tend to go EXTREME!
You can't blame these kids they love Jacob to death and love spending time with him but even I understand that games and toys that are too young can get boring fast! So this week I noticed a trend in Hide-N-seek. Usually this game is spent pretending not to see Jacob as he hides in plain sight and comes out and makes noises as soon as he sees you pass even remotely near him. Underneath the dining room table is a favorite hiding place in my house!
But the tide has been changing and since we don't live in a gigantic house the places to hide are limited (at least for a 2 year old). So the last couple of times that cousins have been over the hiding spots have been getting more and more extreme! I swear the below pictures were not staged Jacob HONESTLY layed there for over 5 minutes and didn't say a word or move until I found him! He thought it was great!!!Other EXTREME hiding places have been under a pile of pillows from the couch, under blankets, under a pile of stuffed animals in his tent, and even under the play rug in the toy room!!! Only my son!!!! I guess the new "Hide-N-Seek" motto is "GO BIG OR GO HOME!"
Alma Woodsey Thomas Art Project
3 years ago
Now that is creative!
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