Extreme Hide-n-Seek
(September 26, 2009)
Now while most 2 year olds are learning their numbers, letters, colors, and other things my 2 year old is learning how to play EXTREME sports! There is a reason for this, a pretty obvious one....with Jacob being the 32nd grandchild in the family and there being A LOT of cousins that live within 500 yards of our house the playmates tend to be on the older side. The main cousins that play with Jacob are between 8-12 years old. So when they come over to play although they will play "2 year old games" with Jacob like puzzles (his new favorite game) and coloring, playdoh, cars, etc.... more often than not those seemingly innocent games tend to go EXTREME!
You can't blame these kids they love Jacob to death and love spending time with him but even I understand that games and toys that are too young can get boring fast! So this week I noticed a trend in Hide-N-seek. Usually this game is spent pretending not to see Jacob as he hides in plain sight and comes out and makes noises as soon as he sees you pass even remotely near him. Underneath the dining room table is a favorite hiding place in my house!
But the tide has been changing and since we don't live in a gigantic house the places to hide are limited (at least for a 2 year old). So the last couple of times that cousins have been over the hiding spots have been getting more and more extreme! I swear the below pictures were not staged Jacob HONESTLY layed there for over 5 minutes and didn't say a word or move until I found him! He thought it was great!!!Other EXTREME hiding places have been under a pile of pillows from the couch, under blankets, under a pile of stuffed animals in his tent, and even under the play rug in the toy room!!! Only my son!!!! I guess the new "Hide-N-Seek" motto is "GO BIG OR GO HOME!"
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Extreme Hide-n-Seek
Monday, September 21, 2009
Back to my roots!
Back to my roots!
This week hasn't been too exciting, just more and more of the same old things.....you know.....errands, errands, and oh yeah taking care of a newborn! But starting this week Jacob will be taking some toddler art, music, and play courses through out Parks and Rec centers here where we live so we will have much much more to post about in the upcoming weeks.
This week was spent with Jacob "getting back to his roots". I broke out the play yard toy for Andrew and when not in use by his little brother Jacob likes to get into it and play with the toys. The ironic part about it is that when he was a little baby he didn't play with this toy very often!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Ahh! Hoppa!!
Ahh! Hoppa!
Jacob is ALL BOY and if anyone would need confirmation of this just simply look at the bruises on his legs, his impressive collection of dinosaurs, balls, and water guns, and of course the fact that I can't keep him from searching for and picking up bugs! Yes bugs! Even dead ones!
The other day he was out searching for Hoppa's (grasshoppers) and he found a few dead ones in the corner of the garage! He of course picked one up and brought it over to me and as most girls do I "shrieked" and told him to put it down because it was dead. Next thing I know Jacob was on a mission to find all of the "Hoppa Die" in the whole garage and make sure he told me that they were "die" as he found them!
Paul and him go "bug hunting" daily and plastic containers with holes punched in the tops are becoming a decoration in my house (much to my dismay). But I can see that Jacob loves it and I would never discourage him from finding and searching out "buh's and bee's" that is what he calls bugs...they are either buh's or bee's regardless of what species they are or of course hoppa's for grasshoppers.
Today Paul was gone for awhile at meetings so it was up to me to go searching for bugs, I was surprised that my 2 year old had no problem picking up grasshoppers and had the reflexes to be fast enough to actually catch them, I didn't know the process of getting the bugs so the only thing I could find in the house ( quickly) was a 2 quart pitcher. Jacob didn't know what to do at first since this is not what he is used to using to catch bugs with his daddy, but he quickly adapted and caught a praying mantis! Which he reluctantly let go in the bushes near the house!