Week 39 - My Top Ten! (So Far)
(5/11/08 - 5/17/08)
Since this week had Mothers Day (my very first) and mine and Paul's 7th Anniversary, I have decided to write down my top ten list of why I love being a mom! Of course there are more then ten things, but it doesn't sound as exciting to say that I have a list of 1,500 things!
10) Realizing that I just missed all of my favorite shows because I was too busy playing with blocks and watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (and I was able to sing along to the theme song!) and not caring!
9) Being able to talk about pee and poo and it seems perfectly normal and will provoke other parents to chime in about their childs bathroom habits too! (You know you have done it!)
8) Knowing that every day Jake will surprise me with doing something new and exciting!
7) Having strangers tell me how cute Jake is, and trying to act humble even though inside I am like HELL YES HE IS CUTE!!!
6) Seeing how exciting bathtime is for him, even though it can sometimes be miserable and wet for me!
7) Dressing him up in "big boy" clothes and giggling about how cute he looks!
6) Having someone to talk to even if he doesn't understand anything I am saying!
5) Being excited to get up everyday, cause I get to spend it with Jake!
4) Having Jake fall asleep in my arms and instead of taking him upstairs to bed, enjoying the moment for a few extra minutes!
3) Seeing Jake and his father playing and having fun! He loves his Daddy! (So do I!)
2)Knowing that everyday no matter what type of day I am having when I go to get Jake up from his nap he ALWAYS has a smile on his face and is happy to see me!
1) Knowing that even though it took Paul and I 6 years to have Jake, that the BEST THINGS are worth the wait!!
Alma Woodsey Thomas Art Project
3 years ago
It took us 5 to have Lukas. I agree. It is definitley worth the wait. Nice list.
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