The pink NIGHTMARE!!!
(April 2010)
Well poor Jacob has had a heck of a time the past few weeks. I am proud to say that my son is pretty darn healthy. He has had (up until the past few weeks) only 2 fevers which were very low grade, no ear infections, only 1 flu, and a few not that big of a deal runny noses. Overall the visits to the doctor have only been 4 times in his entire 32 months.
I have heard from many other parents that he is very healthy and I have to agree. So I couldn't tell you what has happened the past few weeks. I can't blame it on playgroups because I only have 2 playgroups and each playgroup only has 4 other kids and I am friends with the other moms and we keep a very close eye on the spreading of germs. He isn't in preschool, or day care, and other than shopping carts (which he rarely ever rides in) there isn't anything different we have done over the past 4 weeks that we haven't been doing his whole life. I am a creature of habit so tend to do the same things and visit the same places all the time.
So right before we went to Disney Jacob got a serious case of croup with a 103.5 fever and he had to be placed on breathing treatments and a steroid to help the labored breathing he was having. He got over the croup but then got a big dose of allergies when we came back from Disney. Last year he had allergies (his Dad and I have bad allergies) but we dealt with them with benedryl and claritin. This year however those medicines aren't helping at all. My poor guy looks like he has been beat up with his puffy red eyes and the tons of snot!
THEN as if he wasn't feeling bad enough we all get a cold....the cold wasn't the problem though. He kept having this very very very low grade fever (99.7) for about 5 days. I finally took him into the doctor only to hear that he had a minor ear infection in one ear. Well he had NEVER had an ear infection at all so I thought, OK, lets get these antibiotics going and get on with a healthy spring/summer!
I don't know how common this is, and I am sure that if Jacob was old enough to read he would be mortified by me putting this on his blog, buuuuutttttttt.....
This crazy pink stuff turned my boys insides into acid and by the 4th dose (two doses a day, so less than 48 hours after starting) he was having extreme diarrhea 3 times a day and his poor little bootie was raw!!! He was having stomach/intestine cramps and would just lay on the floor and cry!!! Needless to say I took him off immediately and started to try and feed him yogurt with probiotics. I called the doc and told him what happened and he wants to see him next week. He said that his infection was so minor that 4 doses might have cleared it up so we might not have to continue the course of medicine. I don't know, I just can't believe the reaction he had. I remember being on it as a kid and it didn't bother me. Paul's family have very sensitive guts and are allergic to a lot of stuff so this is probably just another allergy I can add to Jacob's list!!
So no more pink stuff for Jacob!!!
Alma Woodsey Thomas Art Project
3 years ago
Horrible to hear about children getting sick from medicine that is supposed to help them. But it happens so often. I would skip the drugs altogether for the ear infection and cure it the natural way. Using antibiotics to cure an ear infection can actually lead to it becoming worse. And treating a viral infection with antibiotics is a complete waste of time to begin with.
Good luck!
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