( 4/20/08 - 4/25/08)
I just have one word....FINALLY...................IT'S ABOUT TIME - wait that's three. Either way the child who has been teething for five months FINALLY has a tooth. Granted it is only one, but thank GOD he finally got that little thing through those gums of his. I have to say that it was one crazy ride, his poor gums got so swollen and his ears must have really hurt because he pulled on his ears, scratched his cheeks until they bled, and had a horrible runny nose (to the point where it was hard for him to breathe while he ate) for the whole week.
The picture above isn't great, but the tooth itself is completely through the gums and is now just growing bigger and bigger every day. Jake doesn't quite know what to do with it, the first day it was through the gums he basically spent all day with his hand in his mouth playing with his new tooth. It was amazing how the runny nose was instantly gone, his mood instantly changed, his appetite returned, and the ear pulling stopped the second that dang blasted tooth came in.
How many more teeth do I have to go through this with???? Please tell me that the symptoms just happen with the first one and that all the rest will be easy??? Please.....I BEG YOU!!!!
Unfortunately I think this tiny reprieve we are in now isn't going to last very long as the other bottom tooth is coming in. It is already a tad bit swollen so I am assuming I only have a little bit before hell week part 2 shows up to pay us a visit!!
It was a beautiful week this week, Jake and I went on a few walks, blew more bubbles, and went to visit some of my friends from work this week. Most of them hadn't seen Jake in about 2 months and he has changed so much. For one he has gotten a lot more hair (with red highlights might I add...my mom will be happy about that) and is more social than he was the last time they saw him. Overall he is a good kid to take out, I bought him a travel highchair that I use when we are out. He loves being up at the table with everyone and spent the entire lunch time listening to us talk, laugh, and have fun. He is a good kid to take out and I count my blessings!
I just have one more thing to say this week :